Unsettled Scatterbrain
In this music mix, I wanted to create a song that sounds as if it's constantly at odds with itself, (representing an indecisive/conflicted person) while at the same time maintaining enough structure to be an enjoyable music track.
Ironically enough, I feel a bit conflicted myself when it comes to marking this music mix as completed, because I don't think that I executed my idea as well as I envisioned it.
Most notably, I have quite mixed feelings on the bass in this song. On the one hand, I dig its somewhat clashing nature, but another part of me feels like the pitch dissonance and note timing inconsistencies are perhaps too strong.
I don't want to leave this specific song concept unpublished on the cutting room floor, so I tried to polish things up, and eventually considered it a complete piece, or "as close to finished as it'll ever probably be".
Credits and other information are available in the video description on YouTube.
MP3 download link. There's also another MP3 download link of the beta version, for anyone interested.